홈 교수님 교수님 소개

교수님 소개 Profile

Kiyoung Lee

Rm. 749, Bldg. 220, Seoul National University


Harvard University, ScD, 1990-1993, Department of Environmental Health, Environmental Science and Engineering program (majors: Air Pollution and Industrial Hygiene), School of Public Health

University of Michigan, M.S., 1988-1990, majored in Industrial Hygiene, School of Public Health

Seoul National University, Korea, M.P.H., 1986-1988, majored in Environmental Health, School of Public Health

Seoul National University, Korea, B.S., 1982-1986, majored in Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture

Working Experience

Professor Sepetmber 2014 - Current

Associate Professor October 2009 - August 2014

Assistant Professor September 2007 / September 2009
Department of Environmental Health
Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Adjunct Professor July 2015- Current

Adjunct Assistant Professor March 2009 - June 2015
College of Nursing, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Assistant Professor July 2004 – August 2007
Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health
College of Public Health, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Assistant Professor December 1999 – June 2004
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, California, USA

Lecturer (Equivalent to Assistant Professor in USA) March, 1997 – December 1999
School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Research Associate and Instructor July, 1993 February, 1997
Environmental Science and Engineering program, Dept. of Environmental Health
School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA.

Professional Affiliations

International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), since 2008
→ Academy Fellow of ISIAQ (since 2009, lifetime fellow)
→ Scientific and Technical Committee, Member (2010-current)

International Society of Exposure Science, since 2000 (Full member)
→ Board of Director (Councilor – Academic) (2011- 2013)

American Board of Industrial Hygiene, since 1997, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
→ 한국환경보건학회 (2007 – 현재) 학술이사 (2008 – 2010), 국제이사 (2011-2012)
→ 한국실내환경학회 (2007 – 현재) 이사 (2007-현재)
→ 국제협력분과위원회 위원장 (2008 - 2009)
→ 대한금연학회 (2008 창립 - 현재) 이사
→ 한국금연운동협의회 (2010-현재) 이사
→ 한국산업위생학회 (2007 – 현재)
→ 한국대기환경학회 (2007 – 현재)
→ 한국기후변화학회 (2010 - 현재)


Academy Fellow of ISIAQ, 2009

The STA fellowship, June - July 1999, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Award Number 398040.

Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), 1997, American Board of Industrial Hygiene, Certificate Number 7511 (Valid until 2012)

Leslie Silverman Scholarship, 1990 1993, School of Public Health, Harvard University

Silver medal (1985), 2 Bronze medals (1983), Downhill Ski, Korea National Winter Games